Ownership and history

Företagsekonomiska Institutet (FEI) was founded as a non-profit members’ association in 1888. The name can be translated as “The Institute of Business Administration”. FEI’s original mission was to further promote professional and social interest and personal development of the growing number of office clerks.

Royal patronage

King Gustaf V, the Swedish Crown Prince at the time, became the Honorary President of FEI in the 1890s. When Gustaf V ascended to the throne in 1907, he became the association’s first Patron. The tradition has continued with his successors Gustaf VI Adolf and the current King Carl XVI Gustav.


Currently, FEI membership stands at approximately 2,000 members, including 1,000 student members. Membership is primarily offered to students who have completed FEI’s longer courses. Career advice and a mentorship scheme are examples of services offered to members.

Not for profit status

FEI’s legal status is a non-profit members’ association (in Swedish ”ideell förening”). FEI is owned by its members. The Articles of Association state that each member should have one vote. It is further stated that surpluses from activities should be reinvested in the association.


FEI’s mission is to:

  • Promote interest and awareness of questions relating to the study of business and related areas through offering a high-quality, market-oriented range of courses and programmes in the business area
  • Support and stimulate research and development in the area of business administration
  • Promote camaraderie between the members of the association
  • Administer the association’s assets in a way that benefits and further develops the association

Educational role

FEI’s educational role is to:

  • be a complement to public sector higher education in Sweden by offering high-quality courses and programmes
  • provide a relevant, up-to-date learning experience for students who are practitioners in their fields
  • enhance the professional capability and personal horizons of the students and to add value to the organisation(s) in which they operate


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